Posted on: November 8, 2022 Posted by: itappsoft Comments: 0

We recognize that the Christmas season can be a challenge for people recovering. As we get closer to Christmas that has COVID-19 restrictions put in place, it is possible that you could be feeling more anxious about the way you’ll navigate through the next few months. Alcohol Rehab Places helps you find the best alcohol rehab places near you for addiction treatment programs and rehabilitation. Get connected with the leading rehab centers that provide an intensive treatment option for addiction to drugs and alcohol. 

We’ve compiled guidelines and tips to help you remain healthy and ensure your recovery throughout this year’s holiday season:

Keep busy

Christmas is the time of year where people’s schedules are more flexible because people are off from to work, the schools are closed and shops close. We recommend that you create an annual Christmas program that takes into account the days following Christmas Day so that you maintain a the structure and routine in place.

In your plan, you should record all the events you plan to do and include all of the activities you are doing to recover such as virtual meetings or phone calls, as well as working with your mentor or regular therapy sessions.

Take care to take time for yourself and do activities you like or are relaxing as well. Also, make the time to exercise and go outdoors. These can be good mood-boosting activities.

Plan ahead and take responsibility

If you’re planning spending time with your family and your friends according to federal guidelines, you should make an inventory of what you must do to ensure you are secure. It could include:

  • Knowing where you’re going, what the experience will be like , and whom will you meet
  • Take your non-alcoholic beverages along
  • Cars that you drive in or taxi number
  • Let your host know that you could have to leave before the scheduled time
  • It is important to plan ahead prior to and following the event to talk to an uninvolved friend or sponsor
  • Plan how you can refuse to make plans if you have to and it is completely appropriate to do
  • Setting up an exit strategy that you can implement if you begin to get uneasy

If you add something to your schedule but you don’t feel like going we know it may be hard to cancelbecause you might feel as if you’re not doing enough for others. Remember that you aren’t required to travel anywhere which could put your recovery at risk especially if you have substances or alcohol in the room.

You can also contact to Alcohol Rehab Places who provide Private Alcohol Addiction Treatment by the most experienced and certified specialists. The dedicated team of alcohol addiction specialists at Alcohol Rehab Places have years of experience dealing with people suffering from alcohol addictions and can provide extensive advice and support using their knowledge and skills. The amount of time you are with us is completely dependent on the severity of your addiction.

Do not be apprehensive and don’t isolate Yourself

It can be frightening time if you’re recovering, but don’t be a stranger to your family and those who love you.

Being connected provides you with the chance to have fun during the holiday season, but it also means that you are able to share your concerns and seek assistance when you need it.

Since interacting with people is harder in this time of year, you should make use of the tools available to you:

  • Make video calls with people you typically meet.
  • Find festive games and quizzes in your diary, with various groups.
  • Create a virtual viewing event of a Christmas film
  • Cards and gifts can be opened by each other on screen

Also, create an outline of ten contacts who you can contact as well as your sponsor, If they have one. Keep this list on you throughout the day and make calls to minimum one of them every day.

Be Kind to Yourself

Christmas can bring back emotional memories and feelings for people who are in recovery. The pressure and stress of the holiday time can also make people feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Don’t believe that you’re being a failure if you feel this. Keep in mind this: Christmas Day is ‘just another day’ in the grand plan of the world.

Make it a point to recognize that the Christmas season can be also a stressful time and remind yourself that it’s especially difficult for those recovering from illness. Be sure to take good care of yourself during the Christmas season:

  • Use the strategies and techniques you’ve acquired in your recovery
  • Utilize the support networks and resources that you can access
  • Set boundaries that are healthy and tell yourself no to everything that you cannot fit onto your plate
  • Pay attention to your personal requirements. Take a bite of food in case you’re feeling hungry. Get in touch when you’re feeling angered. Join an Zoom meeting or talk to someone you trust if you’re feeling alone. Sleep well when you’re exhausted.

Consider the introduction of new customs as you depart from the way you used to live at the time of the holidays. Explore activities that are feasible despite COVID-19 limitations such as going to a drive-in movie to go to a movie about Christmas or purchasing a brand novel (virtual) game for the whole family, or taking an excursion through the Christmas lights.


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