Posted on: October 21, 2022 Posted by: itappsoft Comments: 0

If you’re in the market to replace your air conditioner’s filter You’ll be amazed to discover the variety of air filters are available there!

The process can be daunting, particularly if you’re unfamiliar with HVAC systems. But fret not! This guide will cover all you need you need to know regarding the various kinds of AC filters that you can use for your home.

If you are searching for an Air conditioning service near me, you will get piles of names but the most trusted and Reliable AC Filter Replacement Company is AC Repair Techs to meet your needs. Signs of AC filter that need to be replaced include:

  • Laboring to deliver cool air
  • Reduced energy-efficiency
  • Poor indoor air quality

Let’s begin with the basics.

What does the Air Filter Inside Your Heating and Air Conditioning System?

The main purpose the primary function of HVAC air filters is eliminate unhealthy particles out of the air that flows across the unit. This filtering ensures that the interior air is right up to the standard. Therefore, they are an essential part of your air conditioning.

What is the MERV Rating?

To assess the effectiveness filtering, professionals utilize filters’ efficiency, experts use the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). The MERV chart ranks filters according to their capacity to capture particles. The ratings range between 1 and 16 with 16 being given to air filters with the best ability to filter. There are MERV ratings for different kinds of filters differ based on their performance and the the manufacturer. The information is always on the label.

But, selecting the most MERV-rated filter isn’t always the most wise choice. The cost of these filters is high and more filtering could result in a higher resistance to airflow. This strains the HVAC unit and can reduce efficiency in the long run.

The majority of residential HVAC systems come with the MERV 8 filter by default. Upgrade to the MERV 13 filter can remove the virus along with other harmful substances. It will also improve in-home air hygiene. However, as mentioned above you should consult an HVAC expert to determine whether your system is able to handle the MERV 13 filter . Or not.

7 Air Filter Types of Main Air

The most significant distinction between different types of air filters is their capacity to filter different airborne pollutants within your home. This capability is contingent on the design and style of the materials utilized. For instance, tightly weaved layers of material can filter more effectively than less dense material.

In order to select the best HVAC filter suitable for the home you live in, it is important to know how each kind of filter material can perform.

There are seven kinds of AC filters. Each has pros and drawbacks. Below is a listing of all types and their respective MERV ratings:

1. Spun Glass and Fiberglass Air Filters

Also called flat-paneled filter These filters are made up of fibers of glass that are spun and bonded by a metal grates. Glass fibers are mostly made of fiberglass. These filters are among the most common HVAC air filters due to of the cost.

Despite their popularity, they can’t make a huge difference to the quality of your indoor air. They only filter around 20 percent of particles approximately 3.0 to 10.0 microns . The particles that fall within this range comprise dust, carpet fibers and pollen.

  • Advantages Filters made from spun glass are least expensive alternative. They’re suitable for those who want to keep only debris from their home including lint or dust.
  • Pros:Since these filters can’t take in smaller particles, they’re not efficient in purifying the air. They are also prone to becoming blocked, and require periodic maintenance as well as replacement.

2. Pleated Filters

Pleated filters are made up of an underlying fabric material made from cotton or polyester. The material is then arranged in pleats to increase the area on the surface of the filter. Thus, filters with many pleats are more effective than those that have fewer pleats.

These filters are a little more expensive than fiberglass filters. However, they are more efficient in removing contaminants. They can even remove smaller air pollutants like pets dander, pollen or mold spores. Pleated filters are available in reused and disposable versions.

  • BenefitsThe pleats increase the surface of the filters, which makes them perform better. They last for longer and are often recyclable.
  • Pros:These filters are more costly than other types or AC filters. Filters with pleats that are larger could limit airflow.

3. HEPA Filters

HEPA filters are high-efficiency and efficient. (HEPA) filtering is among the most effective HVAC filters. They are able to remove 99.97 percent of the air-borne pollutant and allergens that are present within your home, which includes pollen, dust, mold pets dander, smoking particles, viruses and even bacteria.

Because of the efficiency the filters provide they’re popular for those suffering from an air conditioner allergy, or any other respiratory ailments. They are however much more costly than pleated and fiberglass filters.

  • BenefitsHEPA filtering is highly efficient against small and large particles of pollution. Because the filters require replacement every couple of years, they’re quite affordable over the long haul.
  • Pros:Smaller particles like smoke or fumes may still be able to get by the filters. These filters can be quite costly in comparison to other kinds in air filters. In addition, their efficiency at filtering can limit the flow of air, causing you HVAC equipment’s performance to fall.

4. UV Light Filters

The UV filters destroy viruses and bacteria with UV light that is short-wave. The radiation that kills germs emanating from the UV lamp inside these filters cleans the air when it travels through. They are also excellent for getting rid of harmful microorganisms, such as mold and spores.

But, they can have some disadvantages. The first is that UV filters can possibly convert oxygen molecules into the ozone molecules. In very small quantities the ozone molecules can cause small health risks, such as chest pain and coughing. In larger amounts it can cause asthma and respiratory illnesses more severe.

Furthermore, although UV light filters are effective in removing viruses and bacteria from air, they have little to do against harmful substances like dust. Therefore, the filters are typically part of a more sophisticated filtering mechanism, such as HEPA filters.

  • AdvantagesUV Light filters eliminate germs that cause illness and other pollutants that are present in your home.
  • Con:These filters are ineffective against allergens and pollutants like smoke, dust and the smells. They also cost a lot relative to other types of air filters.

5. Electrostatic Filters

These filters produce static electricity through paper fibers and cotton. The static acts as an attraction and traps harmful particles in the filter’s filter. As this stops allergens out of your home Electrostatic filters are a great choice for those who suffer from allergies.

Electrostatic filters often include a carbon filter to ensure increased efficiency. This type of AC filter is pleated or flat-paneled. They also come in washable and disposable models.

  • BenefitsElectrostatic filtering is affordable. They’re available in reusable versions, which could lower costs further.
  • Con:While these filters are efficient against small particles, they do not capture larger particles, such as dust, mold spores, or mold.

6. Washable Filters

Types of HVAC air filters that are washable come in pleated and flat paneled designs. They are more expensive than disposable filters, but they’ll save you money in the longer term. Additionally, they are more eco-friendly than disposable filters.

To clean the filters, you must either vacuum or wash them to get rid of any dirt or impurities. It is crucial to make sure the filters are completely dry prior to reinstalling them. Filters that are damp can result in mold and bacteria accumulation, which can bring lower the quality of your indoor air.

  • BenefitsWashable filters can be a affordable option that’s beneficial for the environment.
  • Pros: These filters need regular maintenance to ensure their efficiency. They don’t provide protection against the smell of odors, but they can help with dust and other pollutants.

7. Media Filters

Media filters are composed of a similar material to paper that is which is folded into pleats in an aluminum cabinet. Although the filter’s size isn’t more than six inches wide but the pleated material is able to encompass the area of 75 square feet when folded. The increased surface area allows media filters to be seven times more efficient than the standard air filter models.

The larger surface area contributes to the long-lasting nature for media filtering. The filters can last two years or more, dependent on the conditions. Experts advise that people living who live in industrial areas or have weak immune systems should choose media filters instead of other kinds of AC filters.

  • AdvantagesMedia filters can be described as easy to maintain since you only have to replace them every once or twice per year. They’re highly efficient and can hold most harmful substances inside their folds.
  • Con: These filters need an expert to install them which is why they’re not an DIY option similar to other AC filters. They can’t remove smells.

If your air conditioner ductwork is old, damaged, or not functioning properly, it can affect your comfort and energy bill. At AC Repair Los Angeles we provide Efficient Air Conditioning Duct Repair Services by experienced and trained HVAC professionals. The team AC Repair Techs provides high-level services for every one of our clients while treating them honestly and respectfully. If you hire our HVAC Contractor team, you can rest assured that the job will be done right the first time and with a 100% guarantee. With our team handling your air conditioner duct issues, you can rest assured that the job will be done right the first time.


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