Posted on: November 10, 2022 Posted by: itappsoft Comments: 0

Implants in your dental tooth allow you to get back to normal functioning of your mouth and restore your smile following tooth loss. Modern implants appear and feel like natural teeth, giving you the ability to smile and eat confidently. They’re a fantastic option for those who have lost a tooth because of tooth decay, injury and gum diseases.

Dental implants must, however, to be taken care of. Cleaning your implants in order to keep them in good condition and to maintain their appearance is crucial. 

Family Dental Doctor offers excellent Dental Treatment to patients of all age groups. They provide a variety of dental services, from general to Cosmetic Dental Therapy to ensure that you discover the ideal solution to your requirements. They are committed to helping you achieve that beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. You deserve beautiful teeth Our dentists can help you achieve that. With Modern Dental Treatments And Procedures, They will assist you in achieving the results you’ve always wanted. They also offer a range of treatments that can fulfill your requirements.

Failure to properly maintain the dental implants you have can cause a variety of problems. Pain, inflammation, discomfort loss of bone and even diseases such as peri-implantitis could be the result in the event that you don’t take care of your dental hygiene.

Follow these 9 steps for a healthyand smiling smile, and lasting dental implants.

Preventing Peri-Implantitis

When you’ve received dental implants, it is essential to follow a strict oral hygiene regimen to keep your implants in good condition. In the event that they are not cleaned, you could suffer from the condition known as peri-implantitis.

Peri-implantitis refers to gum disease that affects your implants. As with periodontal diseases your gums are red and inflamed. They’ll likely be sensitive and could be bleeding when you floss or brush.

In addition, eating can cause pain. Beyond being extremely painful, peri-implantitis can cause dental implants to break. However, it is possible to avoid this from happening by following these important guidelines for maintaining your dental implants. 

If you are in need of a dentist immediately? We know that dental emergencies rarely occur at the most convenient time. Family Dental Doctor offer same-day appointments as well as walk-ins that are always welcomed. Their Experienced Dentists are well-versed in managing any kind of Emergency Dentist. So, you can rest sure that you’re safe in the hands of our team at our clinic. They will handle your needs quickly and efficiently so that you can return to your normal routine.

1. Use a toothbrush with a soft bristle

The use of hard-bristled brushes should be avoided. They could harm the enamel on your teeth, and are especially harmful to dental implants. Dental brushes with bristles that are hard can scratch the implant’s surface and cause irreparable damage.

Therefore, it’s essential to use only soft-bristled dental toothbrushes following the placement of dental implants.

Look for a soft nylon brush instead! They are soft and pliable bristles that will not harm implants.

2. Avoid abrasive toothpaste

Any kind of abrasion could cause damage to your implants. So, you should choose a toothpaste that is low in abrasive.

Regular toothpaste tends to be extremely abrasive to eliminate stains and plaque however, excessive roughness wears away the tooth enamel as well as dental implant.

3. Floss daily

Flossing is vital to remove plaque and food particles that collects between the teeth. It is not possible to remove it with just brushing.

If you’re a patient with Dental implants to clean, flossing more essential than ever. It’s not difficult for plaque to accumulate on implants. This is not good for your oral health.

It’s crucial to switch to a floss that is compatible with implants. The recommended flossing frequency is daily using non-waxed tape or a different implant-specific floss.

4. Make sure you maintain a clean mouth

Continue to clean every day after receiving dental implants. Make sure to use non-abrasive dental products to safeguard your implants for a long time to come.

A soft-bristled, gentle toothbrush and toothpaste that is sensitive with non-alcoholic mouthwash, as well as implant-specific floss are essentials. Bleach, baking soda and chlorine-based cleaners must be avoided since they could cause permanent damage or weakness to your implants.

We also suggest saying no to any highly flavoured or sour oral hygiene products (think cinnamon or mint) since they could cause discomfort.

5. Avoid hot, hard or sticky food items

Hard foods can cause damage to or break implants, and must be avoided. Additionally, sticky food items can stick to your implants and cause plaque formation.

If you are a patient Try to stay clear of the followingfoods: ice, hard candy, tacos made of hardshell potatoes chips apple, carrots, crunchy bread, caramel dried fruit, and steak.

In addition drinking hot liquids (or hot food items like soups) can alter your implants’ form.

6. Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol is rich in sugar, which causes tooth decay in teeth that are normal. But, alcohol can also be harmful to dental implants.

It not only speeds the process of accumulating plaque, it also reduces the healing time following dental implant surgery.

Therefore it’s crucial to stay clear of alcohol consumption for the first six months following your dental implant surgery.

7. Stop smoking

Smoking cigarettes is extremely harmful on your health and oral. If you decide to smoke, you put yourself at risk of developing a variety of health issues that range in severity from dental decay, to cancer.

In the case of implant dental, tobacco smoking cigarettes dramatically hinders the healing process. Smoking also causes inflammation and weakens the gums surrounding the implant. Smoking can also make your new implants look stained.

8. Visit your dentist regularly

A regular visit to your dentist are vital for the dental health of your mouth. Making an appointment with your dentist at minimum once a year can help keep tartar and plaque out of your mouth and helps you spot the signs of problems before they become serious.

If you’ve got implanted dental prostheses, the visits can also be a chance to ensure that everything is operating in a proper manner. 

Your dentist will inspect the implants for indications of peri-implantitis or any damage. If you’re searching for an accredited dentist that can provide Dental Crowns, then Family Dental Doctor here to help. 

9. Wear a mouthguard for teeth grinding

Bruxism (also called grinding your teeth) can cause permanent damage to your teeth as well as dental implants.

The force can put a great deal of pressure on your implants that can cause a long-lasting effect. If your dentist has diagnosed you as having bruxism then you must consider a custom-made mouthguard to safeguard your teeth.

Particular Care For Overdentures

  • Every day, at least you should gently clean the surface of the denture using a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Dentures should be soaked in a specific cleaner for a few hours.
  • Examine o-rings and locator caps and clips regularly for wear signs.
  • Visit your dentist 2 to 4 times per year.

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