Posted on: December 6, 2022 Posted by: itappsoft Comments: 0

Does your tooth hurt? You can easily forget about the short intermittent pains however not all bursts of pain ease swiftly. Many people decide to call their dentist when an injury to their tooth persists, and it disrupts their daily routine. What causes your tooth to hurt, and in some instances, it hurts more than other times?

Toothaches can result from numerous reasons, ranging from common dental cavities and sensitivity to more severe issues such as injuries or an abscess. Finding out the cause of your tooth’s discomfort is the first step towards the diagnosis and treatment process and the future prevention. It also informs your dentist not only what they’re having to deal with, but also what they can do to prevent the condition from becoming worse which will ultimately save your tooth. Family Dental Doctor offers Affordable Dental Treatment in Phoenix, AZ to treat all your dental problems at a reasonable price.

These are among the top commonly reported reasons for toothachesand every reason as to why you should know the name of a trusted emergency dentist that to call.

1. Tooth decay and cavities

Cavities can be prevented with regular flossing and brushing. However, for many people, it’s necessary to have an injury to the tooth to begin taking dental hygiene and hygiene seriously. In the worst case it is the start dental decay.

The initial sign of a cavity , which affects the tooth’s enamel. It then progresses deeper and damages dentine, causing discomfort and sensitivity. The tooth is severely decayed when it gets to the pulp, or the outermost portion of the toothand triggers a severe toothache that needs urgent dental treatment.

2. Gum problems

Emergency dentists can identify and address the more typical symptoms of gum disease including bleeding, redness, and inflammation which is often associated with toothaches. If you delay treatment, it can cause gum damage which can eventually reach the jawbone. Make sure you have your gums examined immediately to eliminate harmful bacteria and to prevent any further harm.

3. Teeth chipped and cracked

There’s no doubt that accidents to the mouth or fractured teeth can cause pain. The majority of these injuries are as a result of accidents, games, biting down on difficult-to-eat food items and even inedible objects. These all require urgent dental care , particularly if the fracture is located in the center of the tooth, which is where the nerve endings are.

If you don’t feel an injury to your tooth, does not mean that you don’t have an injury. Regular visits to Emergency Ddentist Phoenix let them detect small cracks and treat them prior to them progressing.

4. Dental fillings that are damaged

The restorative treatment is designed to safeguard the sensitive areas that are part of the teeth. If they’re damaged, you could be exposed the food particles and pressure and even bacteria. Consult your dentist if have dental fillings or fillings and feel irritation and discomfort while chewing, as these are typical indications of damage and need to be addressed immediately.

5. Teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth could cause pain and discomfort in the neck, jaw and various muscles. Most those that grind their teeth aren’t conscious of it since it happens in sleeping. If you’ve recently been informed to grind your teeth during your sleep, consult your dentist about the possibility of fitting an individual mouth guard to avoid tooth pain, grinding and the potential for injury for your tooth.

6. Inadequate flossing and brushing technique

How do you clean your teeth? Dentists suggest gentle circular motions to rid the teeth of plaque and food particles build-up. Any more vigorous action will not ensure a more thorough cleaning but can cause bleeding gums. In time, the excess pressure could cause gums to shrink and harm the teeth.

7. Tooth Sensitivity

Do you experience a sharp pain on your teeth when you consume hot or cold food or drinks? This could be a sign of tooth sensitivity especially to extreme temperatures. If this issue remains untreated and you continue to consume cold and hot foods over a long period of time and at a high rate the damage could be caused in the teeth’s enamel and expose your dentine. This means that the nerves that line your teeth become more sensitive, as they come into contact with almost anything.

8. Inflamed sinuses

It’s fascinating to know the various parts of the body are interconnected. Did you realize that sinus inflammation caused by influenza or colds could cause tooth pain? It’s not unusual for your symptoms to be characterized by sensitivity, pressure , and pain in your upper teeth. The good thing is that these symptoms tend to diminish with the onset of your illness such as flu or cold.

9. Wisdom teeth that have erupted

There’s no dental issue that affects adults more than the emergence of the wisdom teeth. Although some don’t feel any discomfort and do not be aware of their wisdom teeth coming in, some aren’t as fortunate. This is because of the alignment of wisdom teeth, which differs across every person.

If wisdom teeth do not have enough space to grow from the gumline they press against permanent teeth that are already in their position, which causes severe discomfort and inflammation beneath the gums. Contact an Cosmetic Dentistry Phoenix if it gets to be severe, so they can extract the misaligned wisdom teeth, and avoid shifts and overcrowding in the remaining permanent teeth.

10. Dental abscess

This is the result of ignoring the smallest dental issues. In the end, serious tooth decay, cavities and gum issues can result in an abscess on the teeth. A pus-filled tooth or in the gums.

It begins with an infection of bacterial origin that is not treated which develops in the tooth’s pulp. This necessitates a root canal, or more severe, extraction of the tooth to relieve the issue and stop damage to the teeth around it. Be aware of the common signs like pain that is excessive and swelling. Contact an emergency dentist as soon as you notice symptoms to seek treatment.


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