Posted on: February 12, 2020 Posted by: itappsoft Comments: 0

The health of your mouth is more crucial than you imagine. It’s the cause of numerous oral health issues that could affect the other parts part of your body. It is therefore essential to have regular dental checkups at the nearest dental clinic to prevent bacterial infections and ensure general health.

Overall wellness and oral health have a positive connection. Gum disease can be linked to many other ailments which include heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis as well as respiratory diseases and the rheumatoid joint. After analyzing a number of medical records, researchers discovered that gum disease sufferers will be twice as likely as other people to die of heart attacks and three times more likely to suffer stroke.

In this article, we’ll explain the ways that your gums, teeth and mouth could affect your overall health , and how to protect yourself by visiting your dentist for check-ups in an dentist’s office close to your home..

How is oral well-being and general wellbeing are interconnected?

Similar to other body parts the mouth is also filled with bacteria that are generally harmless. However, because it’s the main entry point for your respiratory tract and digestive tract there are some bacteria that could cause disease. Usually, the natural defenses of the body as well as good oral hygiene practices like regularly flossing and cleaning aid to keep the bacteria in check. If you don’t maintain a healthy dental hygiene, the high level of bacteria could cause oral infections such as gum disease and tooth decay.

Certain medications like antihistamines, decongestants diuretics, painkillers, and antidepressants help by stimulating saliva. It cleanses food particles and neutralizes the formation of acids in your mouth, thereby protecting against microbes that grow and can cause illness. Studies have suggested oral bacteria as well as the inflammation that results from the severe gum disease (periodontitis) could contribute to some ailments. Additionally diabetes and HIV/AIDS could decrease the body’s resistance to infection, which can make oral health issues more serious.

Conditions that affect oral health

There are a variety of ailments and conditions that oral health may be a factor in. This includes

  • Endocarditis It is an inflammation of the inner layer of the chambers and valves. This is typically caused by bacteria or other germs that originate from different parts of your body travel through your bloodstream, and then attach to certain parts of the heart.
  • cardiovascular disease The connection between oral health, and the development of cardiovascular diseases isn’t fully known, research suggests that heart disease, stroke and clogged arteries could be related to infection and inflammation caused by the oral microbiome.
  • Childbirth and pregnancy complications: Periodontitis can cause premature births and infants with low weight.
  • The Pneumonia virus: Certain bacteria in your mouth may be transported to your lungs, and cause pneumonia, as well as other respiratory ailments.

Certain conditions can also be responsible for putting your oral health in danger This includes

  • Diabetic:Diabetes is responsible to expose your gums to risk since it lowers the immune system’s ability to fight infection. Gum disease is more prevalent and more severe among those with diabetes. Research has concluded that those suffering from gum disease have a difficult time controlling their sugar levels.
  • HIV/AIDS Problems with the mouth, such as painful mucosal ulcers are common among people living with HIV/AIDS.
  • Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bone which is linked to the loss of bone in the periodontal region along with tooth loss. The specific drugs used in treating osteoporosis have an incredibly small chance of injury to jawbones.

How can you safeguard dental health?

Maintaining good oral hygiene on a regular basis aids in ensuring dental health.

  • Make sure you brush your teeth twice per every day with the soft bristles of a brush along with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Flossing frequently.
  • Make use of mouthwash to remove food particles that are left behind after flossing and brushing.
  • Healthy eating and avoiding sweet foods.
  • Replace the toothbrush every three months or earlier if bristles are not spread evenly.
  • Scheduling regular dental checkups.
  • The use of tobacco should be avoided.

Find a dental clinic near you whenever the first signs of oral health problems arise. Regularly taking care of dental health can improve your overall well-being.

The Wrapping Up

If you are in Gurgaon If you’re seeking the most reputable dental clinic close to you, The Dental Roots is the only place to go for top-of-the-line services. We’ve been awarded the top Dental Clinic in Delhi NCR for the past three years in a row. Our multi-specialist staff using modern technology and equipment, assure that patients receive precise and pain-free treatment.


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